what could be better, messyer and more fun than slime at halloween?
You will need:
PVA glue
a dish to make it in
1. in a cup or beaker make a saturated solustion on borax by adding and mixing borax in to water keep adding the borax to do more will disolve.
2. in a diferent container (a bowl works well) put equal amounts of water and the pva glue. mix this so it looks like verry runny?watery glue.
3. while mixing the waterry glue slowly add the borax solution.
4. have have with you slime, you may like to try diferent thigs like using the glowing liquid you could make in this video. or you might want to try adding food colering to see what happens.
the science:
PVA glue is a Polimer called Polyvinyl acetate. polimers are long chains of molicules. the borax acts as a "cross linker", by linking these chais of molicules together.
And remember; Dont try this at home, try it at a friends home.